History Pro
30 Day Risk-Free Trial
The Membership
Select Your Package
Bronze Package - Only $25 per month!
The Bronze Package has many features designed for all Construction and Design related professionals such as Construction Managers, General Contractors, Estimators, Architects, Design Professionals, Engineers, Franchisors and more. This package provides a basic platform for permanent storage of construction costs, reports, comparing, cost tracking, and more. This package does not include Cost Escalation calculators, Cost Escalation “Cloning” Feature, or Benchmarking.
Silver Package - Only $50 per month!
The Silver Package has an abundant amount of features designed for all Construction and Design related professionals such as Construction Managers, General Contractors, Estimators, Architects, Design Professionals, Engineers, Franchisors and more. This premium package provides a platform for permanent storage of construction costs, reports, comparing, cost tracking, calculators, and includes the incredible Cost Escalation Features, Cost Escalation “Cloning” Features, Benchmarking and more!
Gold Package - Only $58 per month!
The Gold Package has all of the same features as the Silver Package plus additional features designed specifically for the Architect and Design Professional. These additional features include a variety of design fee calculators, and a platform to track Design productivity and project design costs. These features are essential to have by every Design Professional!

- Permanent Secure Cloud Server Storage
- Historical Project Record Storage
- New Project Estimate Template
- Export to Excel, PDF
- Reports
- Comparing
- Filters
- Keyword Search
- CSI Division Cost Search
- CSI Specification Cost Search
- Project Specific Cost Tracking
- Project Specific Attribute Tracking
- GSF & Unit Cost Tracking
- Percentage Cost Tracking
- Division Cost Comparision
- Specification Cost Comparison
- Building GSF Cost Tracking
- Cost per Unit Tracking
- Sitework Cost Tracking
- Owner FF&E Cost Tracking
- Change Order Tracking
- Value Engineer Calculator
- Budget Triangle Calculator
- Bid Comparison Calculator
- Burn Rate Calculator
- Construction Schedule Predictor
- Job Mapping
- Cost Escalation "Cloning" Feature
- Cost Escalation Features
- Target Cost Modeling
- Benchmarking w/ Cost Escalation Features
- Design Job Summaries
- Design Productivity Tracking
- Design Consultant Fee Tracking
- Design Hourly Tracking
- Design % Fee Tracking
- Design Fee Calculator
- Re-Design Cost Calculator
- Design Hourly Fee Allocation Calculator
- User Lincenses
- Total Projects
- Annual Fee
- Additional License Fee
Bronze Package
per year
- 1
- 75
- $299
- $375
Silver Package
per year
- 1
- 200
- $599
- $375
Gold Package
per year
- 1
- 200
- $699
- $375
History Pro
Product Description
Starting at: $299/yr
The membership package is an annual fee amount and each package comes with one license. Customers can only have one person logged in to one device at a time. Additional licenses will allow multiple users to be logged in simultaneously. All additional licenses are $375 each.
30-Day Trial
The 30-day free trial period does not cost anything and you will not be charged anything when it expires. At any time during the trial or after the trial you may choose to move forward with purchasing an annual subscription by selecting the “Pay Membership” button.
Save Time & Money
Accurate Results
Improve Productivity
Increase Profitability
