Building the future
General Questions
What is History Pro?
History Pro provides a platform to permanently store and track all historical construction costs as well as a multitude of historical data that can be easily viewed and transformed quickly at the click of a few buttons into new cost estimates that are highly accurate. Experts in the industry know that the best and most accurate cost data for estimating is right inside each company’s own historical cost. Why? Because it’s actual costs from local areas from past projects that provide confidence for predicting future estimates and budgets. History Pro “Silver and Gold” option keep your historical cost data current with time and location updating calculators. Some other features include comparing data, cost searches, tracking costs, production, reports, mapping, project summary, and a variety of cost calculators guaranteed to save you time.
How much money will History Pro save me ?
What type of customers use History Pro?
History Pro is a software designed for all General Contractors, Construction Managers, Estimators, Pre-construction teams, Architecture Firms, Design Professionals, and anyone involved in construction. Contractors will find History Pro extremely powerful for predicting cost estimates very early during the pre-construction phase.
With the click of a few buttons before and during the preliminary design phase, Architects and Design Professionals will be able to answer more precisely the age-old question “How much will the construction project cost?”
What is the "Cloning" feature?
What is the "Benchmarking" feature?
The “Benchmarking” feature is a powerful tool that gives the User the ability to compare similar projects that have been updated for time and location. The process of “Benchmarking” leads to a “Target Cost Model” that can be used as a guideline for the design team during the schematic design process. A target model provides the benefit to the Ownership team by providing an overall target budget, and it provides the benefit to the Design Team of precise quantities and their respective factual cost associated. During the schematic design, the Target model can be reviewed and collaborated together with the Designer, Contractor, & Owner in an open and transparent manner that will lead to a more predictable project outcome.
Contractors ask - Why should I use History Pro?
Contractors all know that when providing a preliminary budget estimate to the client for a new project with schematic design documents can be somewhat difficult to predict. Contractors know that the budget given needs to be accurate from day one because it will typically shape the size, scope, & outcome of the project that is to be fully designed. A pre-construction budget produced too low or too high can both have adverse effects on the project which can lead to additional client stresses, or cost disputes. History Pro is designed to reduce the risk and exposure that can come from inaccurate budgets. Contractors cannot afford to go without History Pro especially in today’s volatile price fluctuating markets.
Architecture and Design Professionals ask - Why should I use History Pro?
Many times the Design Professional is the first to be approached by an Owner inquiring about design of a new construction project prior to engaging a contractor. Always will the Owner ask the question, “How much will it cost,” very early and many times prior to any design taking place. History Pro provides the platform and features that will enable you to answer that question precisely by utilizing the historical cost data within your company. Unleash the power of the program and let it do all the work with precision and speed.
What does it cost and what features does History Pro have?
You can review the complete list of software features and costs here.
How do I get started with History Pro?

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Create precise schematics budget estimates in mere minutes!